Un Blog de formas y colores...


Love songs

El dia de Valentin es todo el mes de febrero razon por la cual estan aqui estas bonitas canciones que hablan de amor...
Ojala a alguien le alegre el dia o mueva sus sentimientos....

Bjork...All is full of Love...


John Lennon...Love...

Regina Spektor ...Hero...


Do you want bake today...some ideas....

Cooking is one of my favorites hobies...
There are so many projects in this new year...
Ice creams, Desserts, Cheese cakes, Bakery...
French macarons...
It will be true?
Have I enough time for become my dreams true?
and will I take many pictures about it?
I have to wait.....



Happy Valentin...Je l'aime te

If you are falling in love like me... Keep in mind tell him ¨I love you¨, ¨Je vous amour, all day every day... And minute by minute and make your lover feel important and the most wonderful person in the world ...
This key is not foolproof ... but it will give you some sort of happiness for a limited time ...
Everything will be transformed ...
We have to live ...

Burning candle

Heart-shaped candies

Muffins with hearts

Still Life of a Chocolate Cup Cake Decorated with Heart Shapes


...I LOVE YOU...
